East Lonson Bond
The East London Bond is an innovative campaign to spark renewal in East London.
By investing in the Bond, you can help to transform some of the most deprived communities in England – and receive all your money back in five years’ time.

How the Bond works
Find out more about how this innovative model works
Investing in the Bond
The East London Bond is a new, powerful way of charitable giving
Latest news
19.11.09Sir David Varney gives support to Bonds
Sir David Varney writes letter of support to the FT
16.11.09Wates pledges ?1 million
Wates becomes first investor to pledge support
14.11.09FT comments on Charitable Bonds
"At long last: financial engineering to be proud of..."

This website is not an offer to sell or a confirmation of an offer to buy the bonds described in this website. No person should subscribe for any bonds referred to in this website except on the basis of information in the offer document to be published by Citylife Limited.