This website is not an offer to sell or a confirmation of an offer to buy the bonds described in this website. No person should subscribe for any bonds referred to in this website except on the basis of information in the offer document to be published by Citylife Limited.
Citylife Limited is registered with but not regulated by the Financial Services Authority (Industrial and Provident Societies Act 1965 No.28861R) and is recognised as a charity by HM Revenue and Customs, No.XR29468. Registered Office: Citylife House, Sturton Street, Cambridge CB1 2QF.
The Bromley by Bow Centre and Community Links are registered charities, numbers 1041653 and 1018517.
Privacy statement
The East London Bond will be issued by Citylife in partnership with the Bromley by Bow Centre and Community Links. In order to promote the Bond effectively it is necessary for these partners to coordinate communications relating to the Bond.
Any personal information you provide to one of the partners in the East London Bond in connection with this Bond may therefore be shared with the other partners. This may include personal contact details, such as a phone number or an email address, or details of past correspondence.
This information will not be used to send you marketing materials relating to any other activities by any of the partners that do not relate to the East London Bond unless you have already given prior consent to one of the partners for your information to be used in this way or you give your consent at the point of providing your information.
For any questions about this privacy policy, please contact us.